Online Message

  • 2021/12/27 Nancy

    I am needing a new stand for the the 14.1” digital frame. The tabs have come off of the one we just received in.

  • 2021/12/26 Steve

    How can I get photos to show in alpha numeric order? Have older scanned in photos that pop up in between iphone photos. The frame scrolls by date the photo was taken or modified. I need to show in order of photo names. Help please.

  • 2021/12/26 TAMMIE

    I can't set up new frame. When i click on Device Info it keeps saying Please connect to the network., click the refresh button. When I do it just keeps coming back to this screen. It say i am connected to the Internet so im not sure why it won't work.

  • 2021/12/18 Cynthia G Lilly

    I ordered the 14inch digital frame. It will not bind to my phone. I have tried numerous times. I am sending it back.

  • 2021/12/14 James R Myrick

    I have a model W-KG202 projector and I can't get it to display content from a USB input. Trying to project photos from my Apple products. Manual is not helpful. Is this a discontinued product? Is it defective?

  • 2021/12/13 Olivia McCauley

    I am trying to bind my photo frame to the app and it won’t allow me to bind it? It says devices bound and then when I enter it the ID # in the devices bound section it says “exceeds number limit” but I haven’t even gotten it work! I’m trying to set this up for a Christmas present so assistance would be appreciated

  • 2021/12/10 Nancy

    Our phones will not bind to the frame. We get an error message that 101, unable to find device. However the phones say we are binder to the frame but when you go to settings, user management there are no users and no pending user requests. When I hit the refresh button I get the error message 101 unable to find device. I have rebooted the frame 3 times

  • 2021/12/08 Patti Jacobs

    Is it possible to add photo info after the photo has been added to the frame, I would like to add dates and captions but cannot see where to do that once the photo has been loaded